Sunday, June 21, 2009


Presidential Ordinance no. 150025. October 06, 2008

I, NRO President Asif Ali Zardari (Bhutto), hereby proclaim the following measures to come into force with immediate effect:
1. Continuing with the spirit of the naming of Islamabad airport to Shaheed Motarma Benazir Bhutto airport, the “murree road” to BB Shaheed road and the Rawalpindi General hospital to BB Hospital, I hereby order the following Islamabad landmarks to be named as follows from here on-
A. SHAKARPARIAN would now be called “BhuttoPARIAN”;

B. RAWAL dam is named BBWal dam;

C. PEER SOHAWA shall now be referred to as “PEER BHUTTOWA”;

D. The Historic APPARA Market must now be referred to “BHUTTOPAARA Market”;

E. The soon to be reconstructed Marriott hotel hereafter shall be named”BHUTTORIOTT”; and

F. The SHAHEED Margalla towers would now be honored with the nameplate of “Bhutto towers”.

2. A once in a lifetime opportunity is provided to all murderers, thugs and looters to have their records clean wiped by undertaking any of the following acts:

A. Adding the Bhutto suffix to their names;
B. Widely disseminating the recently devised “Bhutto doctrine”; and

C. Plastering 30 feet high Bhutto/Zardari posters in every nook and corner of the country.

A select few from no. 2 above would be hand picked to head key portfolios in the country. However, special patronage prizes would be awarded to all.

Signed here on the 6th day of October, 2008.

Asif Ali Zardari
President, Islamic Republic of Pakistan

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