Monday, August 17, 2009

PPP Government Going to Arrest CEOs of Google and Yahoo! for suggested search queries (generated automatically)???

PPP Government Going to Arrest CEOs of Google and Yahoo! for suggested search queries (generated automatically)???

Frustrated over continued failures, PPP-led Government is now resorting to worst ever desperate measures by threatening its citizen from speaking truth about failures and corruption in government of Pakistan not to mention anything about Mr. 10%.
“Pakistan will start tracking and prosecuting people who send threats or propaganda via email or SMS against political leaders”, said Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik.
“People think it is easy to get away with such things but in reality, routing can be very easily tracked. We have also set up a special center where people can report such offensive emails and SMSs and we will catch the culprit within 48 hours we can catch them,” added the federal minister.
Okay, we are scared but is our government going to arrest CEO of Google for providing a search engine that gives following suggested search queries (generated automatically):

“Various concocted stories and propaganda against political leaders have come to our notice. We have marked some websites that are based abroad and our teams will be paying a visit to these countries soon. The Interpol too will be helping us, as the whole world is united against cyber crime,” he said.
“This campaign was started about two weeks ago and has only been made public now.” said Federal Interior Minister Rehman Malik, in an exclusive talk with a local news channel earlier today.
Probably little Bilawal got tired of receiving jokes about his Papa and asked him to take stringent measures to stop SMS and E-mails, so now Mr. Rehman Malik will be getting arrest warrants to apprehend Mr. Eric Schmidt (current Chairman and CEO of Google) with all his assets? If so, then what about Yahoo! for giving us following suggestions:

So what about sending some feedback to

We are not sure on the intentions and the extent to which PPP Government may go in their desperation – sending unnecessary emails to above address is not recommended for obvious reasons.
We do not in anyway suggest pranks with Ministry of Interior.

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